Lámpara Akzentz Hybrid-Pro
$249.95 USD
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¡La nueva lámpara Akzentz Hybrid-Pro está diseñada para curar geles UV y LED!
Los geles UV Akzentz Classic ahora se curan en 60 segundos y los geles UV/LED se curan en 30 segundos. Las bombillas LED de esta lámpara tienen dos chips. Uno que cura los geles UV y otro que cura los geles LED. Esta lámpara cuenta con una bandeja magnética con una guía para la colocación de los dedos para un curado óptimo.
Customer Reviews
I love this lamp so far! It has grooves to place your fingers in the proper position, and my clients are really enjoying that. Cures gel products quickly and completely.
the light bulbs stopped burning , there are 2 working bulbs in the lamp , very upset
Akzentz Hybrid-Pro Lamp
As an educator, salon owner, and nail artist, I understand how using the lamp which goes specifically with the product line one uses the most is significantly important. Knowing the product is completely cured helps me problem solve if there is any service breakdown. The timer on the lamp makes it convenient to know how long the product has been under the lights and has received the correct curing time. The lamp turns on with a sensor and turns off when the timer is out and not when the client removes their hand. The inside of the lamp is reflective and not white which helps with complete curing. The finger pads help guide where the correct positioning should be. The unit is comfortable, not too large or too small. There isn’t a slow cure option which I know many techs like but there are ways to work around this. The lamps look professional, clean, and classy. I’ve tried other lamps, but I keep returning back to Akzentz lamps for the reliability and the convenience.
I get a new one every 3 years as I work full time