Assorted Luer Loc tips and Gluing Syringes
$9.95 USD $15.95 USD
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5pc, Gluing Syringes + 5pc, 14ga tips + 5pc 16g and Newly added 5pc 20g tips for a Great 20 piece Kit. Makes applying many types of Glue very easy. These are 3ml, easy to hold in your hand. 14g & 16G are great for Thick to medium glues, 20G is great for medium to thin glues. Please see Demo Video to show how. http://www.youtube.com/thecrystalninja
Colors of Luer Loc may vary depending on vendor supplies. How to clean your syringe for re-use: Discard any glue left into the trash. Pull out the plunger and air out. Push a paper clip through the syringe tip and one also into the end of the syringe to push out any leftover glue. Helpful hint: The Ninjas only squeeze in 1 ml of glue at a time.. no need to over fill syringes and waste glue.